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A dataset of marker types definitions.

Use instead marker_types() for the marker type names as a single character vector.




A tibble with 10 rows and 2 variables:


Character. The type of genetic marker.


Character. The definition of the marker type.


The cross-references in the entry definition for marker at MGI glossary:


print(marker_type_definitions, n = Inf)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#>    marker_type            definition                                            
#>    <chr>                  <chr>                                                 
#>  1 Gene                   A locus in the cytoplasmic or nuclear genome that is …
#>  2 GeneModel              A representation of an mRNA transcript of a gene that…
#>  3 Pseudogene             A non-functional locus derived from a functional locu…
#>  4 DNA Segment            A genomic feature recognized by anonymous DNA probes:…
#>  5 Transgene              Any DNA sequence or combination of sequences that has…
#>  6 QTL                    Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL): the type of marker de…
#>  7 Cytogenetic Marker     A structure within a chromosome that is visible by mi…
#>  8 BAC/YAC end            BAC/YAC end refers to sequences at the end of foreign…
#>  9 Complex/Cluster/Region Refers to any of the following: 1. Gene complex; a gr…
#> 10 Other Genome Feature   Refers to any feature of the genome that is considere…