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This function generates combinations of amino acids in pairs. By default, it generates all pair combinations of the 20 standard amino acids.


  x = amino_acids(),
  y = amino_acids(),
  keep_self = TRUE,
  keep_duplicates = TRUE,
  keep_reverses = TRUE



A character vector of amino acids (three-letter codes).


Another character vector of amino acids (three-letter codes).


Whether to keep pairs involving the same amino acid.


Whether to keep duplicated pairs.


Whether to keep pairs that are reversed versions of others. E.g. if keep_reverses is TRUE the pairs "Ser"-"Arg" and "Arg"-"Ser" will be kept in the returned tibble; however, if keep_reverses is FALSE, only the first pair is preserved in the output.


A tibble of amino acid pairs.


# Generate all pairs of the 20 standard amino acids
#> # A tibble: 400 × 2
#>    x     y    
#>    <chr> <chr>
#>  1 Ser   Ser  
#>  2 Ser   Arg  
#>  3 Ser   Leu  
#>  4 Ser   Pro  
#>  5 Ser   Thr  
#>  6 Ser   Ala  
#>  7 Ser   Val  
#>  8 Ser   Gly  
#>  9 Ser   Ile  
#> 10 Ser   Phe  
#> # ℹ 390 more rows

# Remove the self-to-self pairs
amino_acid_pairs(keep_self = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 380 × 2
#>    x     y    
#>    <chr> <chr>
#>  1 Ser   Arg  
#>  2 Ser   Leu  
#>  3 Ser   Pro  
#>  4 Ser   Thr  
#>  5 Ser   Ala  
#>  6 Ser   Val  
#>  7 Ser   Gly  
#>  8 Ser   Ile  
#>  9 Ser   Phe  
#> 10 Ser   Tyr  
#> # ℹ 370 more rows

# Generate specific combinations of Ser against Ala and Trp.
amino_acid_pairs(x = "Ser", y = c("Ala", "Trp"))
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   x     y    
#>   <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Ser   Ala  
#> 2 Ser   Trp