returns the boundary segments that separate
administrative entities or borders with the Atlantic Ocean in the Azores.
returns the boundary segments in the meter-based projection PTRA08
/ UTM zone 25N, i.e. those boundary segments in the western-most part of the
archipelago: Ilha das Flores and Ilha do Corvo.
returns the boundary segments in the meter-based projection PTRA08
/ UTM zone 26N, i.e. those boundary segments in the Central and Eastern groups of
the archipelago.
boundary_segments(crs = laea_azores_proj())
- crs
Coordinate reference system (CRS) passed on to st_transform(). Defaults to a custom CRS centered on the Azores, see
for more details. Other possible options are"EPSG: 3035"
for ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe or"EPSG:4326"
for WGS 84.
A simple features (sf) object with seven fields:
An unique UUID identifier for the segment.
Identifier for the entity at the right side of the boundary.
Identifier for the entity at the left side of the boundary.
Boundary segment whose acceptance by the parties has not yet been officially communicated.
Boundary type: land or coast.
Boundary level: administrative level.
Boundary segment length in kilometers.
#> Simple feature collection with 435 features and 7 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -281288.2 ymin: -170294.3 xmax: 266022.8 ymax: 140634.8
#> Projected CRS: +proj=laea +lat_0=38.5 +lon_0=-28 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
#> First 10 features:
#> id id_at_right id_at_left is_confirmed
#> 1 79a78e76-b51a-11ee-a363-e7b43cc53be6 480203 480204 FALSE
#> 2 79a78e6e-b51a-11ee-a363-2391ce4ab53a 480102 99 FALSE
#> 3 79a78e77-b51a-11ee-a363-cba47f6db28f 480101 99 FALSE
#> 4 79a78e60-b51a-11ee-a363-5f2ec40aacd2 480105 480104 FALSE
#> 5 79a78e66-b51a-11ee-a363-df6d1e97b6f5 480106 480103 FALSE
#> 6 79a78e63-b51a-11ee-a363-976ce071c264 480105 480107 FALSE
#> 7 79a78e6a-b51a-11ee-a363-b3e954880b78 480105 480102 FALSE
#> 8 79a78e6c-b51a-11ee-a363-e71e7ba0ed77 480106 480105 FALSE
#> 9 79a78e78-b51a-11ee-a363-efd6747583e6 480203 480101 FALSE
#> 10 79a78e61-b51a-11ee-a363-2fb0cd72c871 480104 99 FALSE
#> boundary_type boundary_level length geometry
#> 1 land 5 3.933896 LINESTRING (-275904.3 11412...
#> 2 coast 3 1.358153 LINESTRING (-281037.5 10791...
#> 3 coast 3 8.515972 LINESTRING (-280613.5 10913...
#> 4 land 5 3.342975 LINESTRING (-278341.5 10159...
#> 5 land 5 5.710350 LINESTRING (-271975.5 10410...
#> 6 land 5 1.612186 LINESTRING (-277962.5 10487...
#> 7 land 5 2.752975 LINESTRING (-277707.5 10633...
#> 8 land 5 2.029468 LINESTRING (-275382.9 10724...
#> 9 land 4 1.194702 LINESTRING (-279720.5 11380...
#> 10 coast 3 8.311823 LINESTRING (-278341.5 10159...
#> Simple feature collection with 31 features and 7 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: 648953 ymin: 4359450 xmax: 664413.8 ymax: 4399078
#> Projected CRS: PTRA08 / UTM zone 25N
#> First 10 features:
#> id id_at_right id_at_left is_confirmed
#> 1 79a78e76-b51a-11ee-a363-e7b43cc53be6 480203 480204 FALSE
#> 2 79a78e6e-b51a-11ee-a363-2391ce4ab53a 480102 99 FALSE
#> 3 79a78e77-b51a-11ee-a363-cba47f6db28f 480101 99 FALSE
#> 4 79a78e60-b51a-11ee-a363-5f2ec40aacd2 480105 480104 FALSE
#> 5 79a78e66-b51a-11ee-a363-df6d1e97b6f5 480106 480103 FALSE
#> 6 79a78e63-b51a-11ee-a363-976ce071c264 480105 480107 FALSE
#> 7 79a78e6a-b51a-11ee-a363-b3e954880b78 480105 480102 FALSE
#> 8 79a78e6c-b51a-11ee-a363-e71e7ba0ed77 480106 480105 FALSE
#> 9 79a78e78-b51a-11ee-a363-efd6747583e6 480203 480101 FALSE
#> 10 79a78e61-b51a-11ee-a363-2fb0cd72c871 480104 99 FALSE
#> boundary_type boundary_level length geometry
#> 1 land 5 3.933896 LINESTRING (654137.1 437209...
#> 2 coast 3 1.358153 LINESTRING (649354 4365619,...
#> 3 coast 3 8.515972 LINESTRING (649710.2 436685...
#> 4 land 5 3.342975 LINESTRING (652394.7 435945...
#> 5 land 5 5.710350 LINESTRING (658613.6 436230...
#> 6 land 5 1.612186 LINESTRING (652592.2 436275...
#> 7 land 5 2.752975 LINESTRING (652766.4 436422...
#> 8 land 5 2.029468 LINESTRING (655037.9 436525...
#> 9 land 4 1.194702 LINESTRING (650344.1 437156...
#> 10 coast 3 8.311823 LINESTRING (652394.7 435945...
#> Simple feature collection with 404 features and 7 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: 340225.2 ymin: 4088680 xmax: 676927.7 ymax: 4328069
#> Projected CRS: PTRA08 / UTM zone 26N
#> First 10 features:
#> id id_at_right id_at_left is_confirmed
#> 1 e748fa72-b51c-11ee-a363-fb2e161626db 420204 420404 TRUE
#> 2 f108a5f0-b51b-11ee-a363-0b4741708d0a 430207 430204 FALSE
#> 3 f108a675-b51b-11ee-a363-1f0934833848 470108 99 FALSE
#> 4 f108a5f1-b51b-11ee-a363-6316321cdd58 430114 430118 FALSE
#> 5 e748fa4a-b51c-11ee-a363-d3eb99b0b6b9 420307 420312 TRUE
#> 6 e748fa9b-b51c-11ee-a363-1f313c6d8468 420308 99 TRUE
#> 7 f108a5fc-b51b-11ee-a363-ef6ebf00de6e 430110 430114 FALSE
#> 8 e748fa4d-b51c-11ee-a363-133f6865a6e9 420301 420312 TRUE
#> 9 e748fa5c-b51c-11ee-a363-cb752a0eb160 420507 420510 TRUE
#> 10 f108a679-b51b-11ee-a363-cba67cac0def 470107 470108 FALSE
#> boundary_type boundary_level length geometry
#> 1 land 4 1.0521307 LINESTRING (658386.7 418386...
#> 2 land 5 5.6535874 LINESTRING (494322.6 428420...
#> 3 coast 3 1.7670014 LINESTRING (358612.2 426702...
#> 4 land 5 7.2484001 LINESTRING (478486.8 428490...
#> 5 land 5 2.3889660 LINESTRING (617598.8 417968...
#> 6 coast 3 5.5915585 LINESTRING (619063.3 418784...
#> 7 land 5 3.7559291 LINESTRING (478486.8 428490...
#> 8 land 5 2.5385317 LINESTRING (616433.9 418126...
#> 9 land 5 0.7240755 LINESTRING (636895.5 418204...
#> 10 land 5 2.6172060 LINESTRING (358612.2 426702...